Author: City of Minneola/Friday, July 23, 2021/Categories: General News, Minutes
The Minneola City Council met in regular session July 19, 2021, in the Civic Connection. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., with the following council members present: Carol Tedford, Marvin Jensen, Shawn Conard, and Dustin Laudick. Mayor Carol Sibley presided.
Alan Luttrell, EBH, reviewed pay estimate #3 submitted by APAC for the waterline project. Carol T. made a motion to approve Pay Estimate #3, Marvin seconded, motion passed 4/0.
Alan Luttrell then discussed the status of the waterline project including that some parts have come in and they are putting services in, well house #4 has had the pump and motor replaced and VFD installed, discussed the new roofs and siding for the well houses, Clarke Well will be here Thursday or Friday to pull well #7 and put a camera in it and the well will be down for approximately 10 days, the railroad bore has been completed but we have not abandoned the line yet. The next progress meeting will be Wednesday at 9:00 am.
Patrick Williams stated that APAC has been keeping him updated on a daily basis. The services currently going in are on Locust Street and some on Cypress Street and that we are currently using both new and old pipes.
Minutes of the June 21, 2021, meeting previously mailed out was reviewed. Marvin made a motion to approve the minutes as written, Dustin seconded. Motion passed 4/0.
Computer print-outs showing the financial status for the month of June were reviewed. Financials for the pool were also handed out. Patrick Williams mentioned that we are going to try to keep the pool open after school starts on the weekends as long as we have enough lifeguards. There were no questions.
Unfinished Business:
The Streetscape project was scheduled with a late start date of July 19, 2021, but that will not happen and the delay is due to the State. The contractor and EBH cannot get the Dodge City state office to return phone calls so they have started calling the Topeka office. The contractor has now also sent a letter asking for the start date to be moved to September. The City would prefer the date not be moved. Patrick also mentioned that he and Lance Custer, USD 219 superintendent, have been discussing school safety in loading and unloading school kids and there may be a change in the procedure.
New Business:
Mayer Specialty (Sewer Cleaning) contract is up for renewal and is a five year contract. They increased their prices up by 28 cents a lineal foot. Patrick contacted them concerning the increase and Mayer is going to look at their pricing and get back with us.
Cottonwood Street cul-de-sac update. There has been no response from Rooney’s attorney from our counter offer. Patrick has been looking into some possible contributions to assist with the costs.
The Den project is moving forward and should start sometime in late 2021. The tax credits came in short of the estimated project costs, so some items had to be cut. We currently plan on doing the shelter on the north side, covering the north wall, and ADA bathroom.
The streetscape project will be adding additional light poles on Main Street. The Christmas snowflakes that we currently use from Northern Lights Display are currently on sale through August 31. Dustin made a motion to go ahead and order the decorations, Shawn seconded, motion passed 4/0.
Kennedy McKee was in this last week and the 2022 budget was prepared. The budget was handed out to the Council. Senate Bill 13 implemented the revenue neutral rate (RNR) in which the City will not be able to exceed the number of mills that generates the same amount of tax dollars as levied the previous year without publishing an RNR Notice of Hearing. Carol T. made a motion to proceed with publishing the Notice of Intent to Exceed the Revenue Neutral Rate, Marvin seconded, motion passed 4/0. The RNR hearing must be held between August 20 and September 20 each year. The Council agreed to move the August council meeting to August 23, at 7:00, in order to meet within these dates.
Patrick brought up the Delta variant to COVID and how it is increasing in the State. At this point, we do not know how it will affect the current projects and also the City.
Bills Submitted for Approval
Marvin made a motion to approve the bills as presented, Dustin seconded, motion passed 4/0.
Shawn made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Carol T. seconded, motion passed 4/0. Meeting adjourned 8:31 pm.
City Clerk
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