Water meters are read towards the latter part of each month and then utility bills are sent out towards the beginning of each month.
Utility bill payments are due no later than the 20th of each month. There is a 10% late penalty fee assessed on the 21st day of each month. If a bill is past due, a Disconnect Notice will be mailed, at which time, the full amount of the account is now due in full. A charge of $25.00 will be imposed for account delinquency service disconnect notices to customers that receive two or more notices within a 12 month period.
If service is disconnected, there will be an additional $100 set up fee due prior to reconnection.
Ways that you can pay your bill:
- In person at City Hall with cash, check, money order, or credit card.
- Drop payment (check, cash, money order) in the City Hall window drop slot.
- Mail payment (check, cash, money order) at the post office.
- On the City website, www.minneolakansas.org, at the red "Pay Now" icon. (credit card)