Author: City of Minneola/Thursday, May 28, 2020/Categories: Minutes
The Minneola City Council met in regular session May 18, 2020, in the Civic Connection. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., with the following council members present: Marvin Jensen, Shawn Conard and Dustin Laudick. Mayor Carol Sibley presided. The Council met with COVID 19 regulations being met.
Pastor Dan Bartel opened the meeting with prayer.
Minutes of the April 20, 2020, meeting previously mailed out were reviewed. Marvin made a motion to approve the minutes as written, Shawn seconded. Motion passed 3/0.
Computer print-outs showing the financial status for the month of April was reviewed. There were no further questions.
Mario Saucedo from the Post Office informed the Council that the Post Office has to start charging for PO boxes for anyone who lives outside of 1/4 mile from the post office. Mario handed out a map showing the radius. A small box is $56.00 a year, with larger boxes costing more. When the post office sends out annual renewal letters, it will include the cost information if it applies.
The council contacted Daniel Friesen from Ideatek concerning fiber internet and a franchise agreement. Ideatek has been in business for 20 years and doing fiber for 10. Daniel stated the franchise contract being provided is a standard agreement and is not exclusive. The City attorney has reviewed the contract and made a few changes. Shawn made a motion to pass Ordinance 2020-03 for the franchise agreement with the changes, Marvin seconded, motion passed 3/0.
Unfinished Business:
The City’s goal is to open the swimming pool by June 15. This date may get moved out to the end of June depending on the Governor’s re-opening steps from COVID 19.
Carol S. and Patrick Williams have been in conference calls 2 times a week with the hospital and the school for COVID 19. There are also County meetings being held weekly. The City is following the steps as provided by the Governor.
New Business:
The City received $4,750 from EMC as a dividend check.
Census 2020 is ongoing. The state return is currently at 63% but Minneola is only at 35%. Shawn volunteered to go around town and pass out fliers door to door with the Census information. Brenda will make up a flyer.
Gilmore and Bell forwarded paperwork that needs to be passed in order to proceed with the bonding for the streetscape project. Marvin made a motion to pass Resolution 2020-R01, authorizing the improvement of main trafficways within the City of Minneola and providing for the payment of costs, Dustin seconded, motion passed 3/0. Shawn made a motion to pass Ordinance 2020 -02, designating Main Street and Locust Streets as main trafficways, Marvin seconded, motion passed 3/0. Carol S. and Brenda signed documents as required.
Resolution 2020-R02 was presented to waive the annual requirement of the GAAP 2020 - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and fixed asset accounting. Shawn made a motion to pass Resolution 2020-R02, Dustin seconded, motion passed 3/0.
The Appointments for positions within the City were reviewed. All of the positions were approved as presented. A new Park Commissioner needed to be appointed. The Council appointed Wesley Orr to this position.
Citizens can now pay for their utility bills or court fines online with a credit card. Go to and look for the red, pay on-line button.
Patrick mentioned to the Council that the tree pit ashes/dirt and the pile of dirt North of the City Shop building are being cleaned up. There will no longer be a place for citizens to dump dirt.
Patrick stated that additional letters to the homeowners affected by the streetscape project will go out next week or so when we have received additional information from EBH Engineering.
Bills Submitted for Approval
Shawn made a motion to approve the bills, Dustin seconded, motion passed 3/0.
Dustin made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Marvin seconded, motion passed 3/0. Meeting adjourned 8:15 pm.
City Clerk
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