Author: City of Minneola/Friday, April 24, 2020/Categories: Minutes
The Minneola City Council met in regular session April 20, 2020, in the Civic Connection. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., with the following council members present: Carol Tedford, Marvin Jensen, Wesley Orr, Shawn Conard and Dustin Laudick. Mayor Carol Sibley presided. The Council met with COVID 19 regulations being met.
Pastor Dan Bartel opened the meeting with prayer.
Minutes of the March 16, 2020, meeting previously mailed out were reviewed. Wesley made a motion to approve the minutes as written, Carol T. seconded. Motion passed 5/0.
Computer print-outs showing the financial status for the month of March was reviewed. The Council asked that a year in review for the retailer’s sales tax be brought to the next council meeting. There were no further questions.
Unfinished Business:
The spring Clean Up Day has been postponed. No future date has been scheduled.
The city-wide garage sale has been cancelled.
New Business:
A VISA machine is now functioning at City Hall. There is a minimum of $3.00 service fee or 2.65% of the transaction. Citizens can pay in person or over the phone. The City hopes to have an online account set up in the near future.
The swimming pool was discussed. The City does not know if the pool will be opened this summer due to the regulations with COVID 19. The Council stated if the state lifts the 10 person or less mandate before the next council meeting, we will go ahead and proceed with filling the pool and opening it. If not, we will discuss it at May’s meeting.
Wesley made a motion to go into executive session for 15 minutes to discuss acquisitions of real estate. Shawn seconded; Motion passed 5/0. Council, Mayor, City Manager, and City Clerk went into executive session at 7:15. Council came out of executive session at 7:30 pm. There are 17 right of way/easements that will need to be obtained for the streetscape project. Wesley made a motion to pay up to a total of $7500 for all of the easements, Shawn seconded, motion passed 5/0.
TJ Milford was added by phone to discuss the internet in Minneola. Ideatek took over Fairpoint and they would like to acquire a franchise agreement. They would like to put fiber to every home in Minneola. The Council agreed to have the agreement sent to our Attorney for review and to make sure there is a sunset clause in the agreement.
The City will need to get a bond for the streetscape project. Patrick Williams stated he has a phone conference with Paul Stoner, EBH, and Larry Kleeman, Ranson Financial tomorrow to get the process started. The project is expected to go out to bid in August.
The Veteran’s Park was cleaned up today. Trees, shrubs, and vines were removed, and it opened up the view of the park.
Concrete slabs in the Community Park were poured and the benches have been relocated onto the pads. The parking lot bollards are in Hays getting powder coated and should be ready for installation in a couple of weeks. The light for the playground is to be installed the week of April 27.
Carol Sibley asked for approval for Mick Johnson and Dustin Laudick be appointed to another 4 years on the housing Authority. Marvin moved to accept these appointments, Shawn seconded, Motion passed 4/0 with Dustin Laudick abstaining.
Bills Submitted for Approval
Marvin made a motion to approve the bills, Wesley seconded, motion passed 5/0.
Shawn made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Marvin seconded, motion passed 5/0. Meeting adjourned 8:08 pm.
City Clerk
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