Author: City of Minneola/Thursday, March 18, 2021/Categories: Minutes
The Minneola City Council met in regular session March 15, 2021, in the Civic Connection. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m., with the following council members present: Carol Tedford, Marvin Jensen, Shawn Conard, and Wesley Orr. President of Council Carol Tedford presided in absence of Mayor Carol Sibley. The Council met with COVID 19 regulations being met.
Minutes of the February 22, 2021, meeting previously mailed out were reviewed. Marvin made a motion to approve the minutes as written, Wesley seconded. Motion passed 4/0.
Computer print-outs showing the financial status for the month of February were reviewed. There were no questions.
Coleen Mahieu & Owen Carrillo from the Minneola High School Civic Engagement Class met with the Council. They discussed the project they are working on and handed out paperwork showing their ideas on starting up Community Days. They are looking at just holding Community Days on Saturday, May 22. Some of the events that they would like to have would be a Fun Run, Parade, Car Show, Ice Cream Social, Money Pit, Pool Contests, Hamburger Feed, and Movie Night. Would the City be willing to sponsor the prizes for the Pool Contests? Wesley made a motion to sponsor the contests, Marvin seconded, motion passed 4/0. The City council stated that they would need to get with the pool manager to confirm that he is willing to open the pool and have lifeguards available.
Unfinished Business:
The Streetscape Project bid opening is March 17 by KDOT in Topeka.
New Business:
Spring Clean Up Day will be on April 24. Northend Disposal will be picking up items placed in the alleys where trash carts are usually placed. There will be no dumpsters at the tree pit. Restrictions and further information can be obtained at City Hall.
It was noted that the trailer on North Main Street blew over with the high winds we had. It will be the owner’s responsibility for clean-up.
Bills Submitted for Approval
Wesley made a motion to approve the bills as presented, Shawn seconded, motion passed 4/0.
Marvin made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Shawn seconded, motion passed 4/0. Meeting adjourned 7:40 pm.
City Clerk
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