Council Meeting Minutes 8/27/24

Author: City of Minneola/Tuesday, September 10, 2024/Categories: General News, Minutes

MINNEOLA CITY COUNCIL MEETS                                                August 27, 2024

The Minneola City Council met in continued regular session on August 27, 2024, in the Civic Connection. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m., with the following Council members present: Chad Kirk, Dustin Laudick, and Debbie Buckley. Mayor Carol Sibley presided. Also present were Tyler Knox, City Manager and Brenda Stewart, City Clerk.

Attorney Morgan Koon was added by zoom.

Attorney Morgan Koon reviewed and clarified the following for the RHID Sunrise Addition east lots:

  • The cost of the infrastructure. This would include streets, drainage, sewer, water, and electricity. Kansas Gas does not charge upfront costs.
  • Volz and Building Solutions have decided not to form an LLC.
  • Volz can still be the developer. Morgan plans to send a new agreement to him.
  • The City has to bond the infrastructure because the infrastructure ends up belonging to the City. The cost would be the infrastructure contractor’s bid plus Southern Pioneer’s cost.
  • Morgan noted that the school’s portion of the property tax cannot be used for the RHID.
  • The bond would be for 25 years with a 4 to 5-year delay before the first payment. The Kansas Statute reads that the 25 years does not start until the developer has signed.
  • Morgan reviewed some generic numbers and feels with the delay in payment the City would be fine making the bond payments as long as houses were built.
  • Part of the contract with Volz would be the Shortfall Guaranty Agreement. This is a point of contention with Volz.
  • The Council and Morgan reviewed the infrastructure bid. If Volz is not the developer, then we would send the infrastructure out to bid. If Volz is the developer, he can hire the infrastructure contractor. The infrastructure still has to be approved by the City.
  • Morgan advised that we need to wait until he and Tim Volz have discussed the contract further, which he hopes will be next week.
  • Carol Sibley mentioned that we have other contractors that are interested if Tim is not.

West side of Sunrise Addition, Cedar Street:

  • The bids were reviewed from the homeowners that would back up to Cedar Street.
  • There were a couple of low bids. The Council rejected those bids and asked that letters be sent asking if they would revisit their bids.
  • If we do not approve some of the bids, we can open the tracts to the public to bid on.
  • We will look at the bids again at the September 16 Council meeting.

We received an application to rezone 401-405 Maple from R-1 Residential District to R-1 Residential District Special Use. This changes the lots from a church to a daycare. The Council reviewed and approved to start the rezoning process. Dustin made a motion to waive the rezoning fees, Debbie seconded, motion passed 3/0. The hearing notice and zoning letters should be complete by September 5. We have to wait 20 days before having the hearing. The Council agreed to hold the hearing on September 30, 2024, in the Civic Connection, 7:00 pm.

Debbie made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Chad seconded, motion passed 3/0. The meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm.

City Clerk



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