Council Meeting Minutes 8/18/24

Author: City of Minneola/Tuesday, September 10, 2024/Categories: General News, Minutes

MINNEOLA CITY COUNCIL MEETS                                                August 19, 2024

The Minneola City Council met in regular session on August 19, 2024, in the Civic Connection. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., with the following Council members present: Chad Kirk, Dustin Laudick, and Debbie Buckley. Mayor Carol Sibley presided. Also present were Tyler Knox, City Manager and Brenda Stewart, City Clerk.

The zoning hearing for 302 S. Main Street was opened for comments. Daryl Marshall and Verna Bowling asked questions including: zoning it as a special use permit instead of commercial, hours of operation, traffic, and what happens if they sell the property in the future. After discussion, the zoning hearing was closed. Dustin made a motion to rezone the property to C-1, Central Business District, and approve Ordinance 2024-02. Debbie seconded, motion passed 3/0.

Pat Friess, Kennedy McKee, reviewed the 2023 governance letter and the 2023 audit. The following items were mentioned: review the water fund for financial agreement with KDHE and remember that ARPA funds have to be committed by the end of 2024 and spent by 2025. Pat also commented on the budget preparation for 2025 and that we kept the mills at 52. Dustin moved to accept the 2023 audit as presented, Chad seconded, motion passed 3/0. Pat handed out Kennedy McKee’s service agreement for the 2026 Budget preparation. Chad made a motion to approve the agreement, Debbie seconded, motion passed 3/0.

Donna Roetzer, Grade School Principal, was not present but wanted to confirm the grade school would be able to use the City playground during construction of the new grade school. The Council had no objection to this.

Scott Tilley, 7 I Am Church, talked about Wednesday nights at the church. They would like to keep the youth group at the church on Wednesday evenings starting September 4, but they need a place for Wednesday night service which has continued to grow. He asked if the Civic Connection would be available and the fees. Debbie made a motion to let 7 I Am use the building on Wednesday nights for no cost through the end of the year unless a paid renter wants the building, Chad seconded, motion passed 3/0. Galen Rankin, Minneola Senior Group President, said the piano could be used but not moved.

Diana Beebe, Senior Group, asked that the items discussed between Tyler and Galen be put in the minutes. The east City shop building, where they store their bus, will have the broken windows and entry door fixed this winter. The seniors park the bus on the east side where the overhead door works, and the City items will be on the west side because that overhead door has to be lifted manually. Other items reviewed:

  • No work orders have been turned back in. Tyler stated items have been done, he just hasn’t turned the forms in.
  • People renting the building are not cleaning up afterwards. She was reminded to call City Hall as soon as seen. The Council asked that they not only contact the City, but also fill out a work order when someone hasn’t cleaned. The City needs to see and take pictures to have the renters held liable.
  • They still think someone is coming in, after they lock the doors, because toilets are being used and not flushed. Tyler confirmed that we have checked the security door codes several times, and no one has entered the building after being locked.

Debbie made a motion to approve the minutes from July 22, 2024, Dustin seconded, motion passed 3/0.

Financial Reports for July 2024 were reviewed. Sales tax received was up from previous months. There were no questions.

Debbie made a motion to go into executive session to open RHID Sunrise Addition Cedar Street bids for financial confidentiality for 30 minutes, Dustin seconded, motion passed 3/0. The Council came out of executive session and stated they are tabling any decision until all bids are received.

Manager Update:

  • The CCLIP intersection is almost done. They are pouring concrete this week. The Council expressed concerns of the asphalt roads leading up to the intersection and asked Tyler to bring it up to KDOT.
  • Tyler stated he has held off ordering additional concrete barricades for Front and Cherry until the summer slows down.
  • The summer help gave 2 weeks notice and his last day was August 2.
  • Millie Fudge delivered the AED today. It will be stored at City Hall. The lifeguards will be trained next year.
  • Jerry Curry Jr. passed his CDL test.
  • Striping for Main Street was discussed. Due to all the regulations, the Council agreed to not stripe at this time.
  • The contractor for the grade school construction asked about filling the street after sewer lines are tied in. The Council agreed they can fill it with concrete.
  • Tyler explained S & S’s pricing difference for the rock & delivery than previously handed out. The City has more funds available. Tyler would like to add Main Street to the chipping next year. Dustin made a motion to proceed ordering all the rock needed to include Main Street, Chad seconded, motion passed 3/0.
  • The last easement check for the Streetscape Project was cashed. Tyler will fix the item listed on the agreement letter within 30 days.

ARPA funds are remaining and have to be labeled for use by the end of the year. The Council agreed to use any funding left to help chip seal Main Street since this is the main road to the hospital, emergency room, and school.

USD 219 is still seeking donations for Reality U. Dustin made a motion to donate $700, Chad seconded, motion passed 3/0.

All of the homes that did not turn in their survey sheet for the EPA Lead & Copper evaluation, and any vacant homes, will have to be completed by Tyler. The deadline to finish the surveys is October 1, because the total evaluation is due to the EPA by October 15.

The Council reviewed the FLSA sheet received from the League. A page, dated 8/19/24, was then presented by Brenda for the Council to determine and select the steps they want to take. Dustin made a motion to approve the selections agreed upon, Debbie seconded, motion passed 3/0. This page will be added to our employee information.

Unifirst rates are going up again and we haven’t been using the service as designed. The Council agreed to look into purchasing City shirts, polos, and jeans. We would need to keep the rugs and urinal mats with UniFirst.

Fall clean-up will start September 21 with dumpsters at the tree pit. They will be there approximately one week and will only be available when the tree pit is open.

The Business Association is hoping to do the holiday open houses again this year. Citizens would visit businesses between December 1-15 and get entered in those drawings. Then come to City Hall and enter for the grand prize. The number of entries the person gets will depend on how many businesses they visited. The Business Association is donating $25.00 for each business. Debbie made a motion for the City to do our own $25.00 drawing and cover $100.00 for the Gran prize, Dustin seconded, motion passed 3/0.

The status of the RHID Sunrise Addition will be reviewed with Attorney Morgan Koon on August 27 by a zoom meeting.

Bills were reviewed. Tyler mentioned the bill we received from American Implement for the gator and that the costs were high. Debbie made a motion to approve the bills as presented, Dustin seconded, motion passed 3/0.

Debbie made a motion to recess the meeting until Tuesday, August 27, 2024, at 7:00pm, in the Civic Connection, to have a Zoom meeting with Attorney Morgan Koon and to finish any unfinished business, Chad seconded, motion passed 3/0. The meeting recessed at 10:23 pm.

City Clerk



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