Council Meeting Minutes 7/18/22

Author: City of Minneola/Wednesday, July 27, 2022/Categories: General News, Minutes

MINNEOLA CITY COUNCIL MEETS                                    July 18, 2022

The Minneola City Council met in regular session July 18, 2022, in the Civic Connection. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m., with the following council members present: Marvin Jensen, Debbie Buckley, and Chad Kirk (by phone). Mayor Carol Sibley presided.

Pat Friess, Kennedy McKee, went through the proposed 2023 budget. Minneola’s estimated valuation went up, so the RNR mill levy went down. The proposed budget’s mill levy came out to 52 mills, which is lower than last year, but does exceed the RNR. Marvin made a motion to accept the proposed budget and exceed the RNR, Chad seconded, motion passed 3/0. The RNR Hearing and the Budget hearing will be held on September 19, 2022.

Howard Wideman, County Commissioner, stated that the appraisal value of houses in Minneola went up, which is why the valuation went up. He said that Englewood’s and Ashland’s house values did not go up. The reason he was given for Minneola’s going up was that Minneola is close to Dodge. Howard mentioned that the Civic group would like to remove the bushes by the Harris building and plant knock-out roses. There were some concerns over the thorns with people in the park and also our maintenance staff mowing/weed eating around them. The Council asked that Howard draw something up and bring it to the next Council meeting for approval.

Debbie made a motion to approve the minutes from June 15 and June 21, 2022, Marvin seconded, motion passed 3/0.

Computer printouts showing the financial status for the month of June were reviewed. There were no questions.

Kliewer Landscape and Tyler Knox, City Manager, have yet to connect. The Council would still like for the trees to be inspected.

Tyler and Brenda Stewart, City Clerk, met with Galen Rankin and Michele Mahieu of the Minneola senior center group on July 8, 2022, about the mini-bus. The City has the title and are willing to sign the title over to the seniors or sell the bus and give the proceeds to the seniors. We asked for a decision by August 15, so it can be discussed at the August Council meeting.

The South well (#7) is not up and running yet. There were a few issues and it should be fixed within 2 weeks. After the system is running, we will have the SCADA system hooked up.

The Council discussed private wells being drilled in the City. We have been in contact with the League of Kansas Municipalities and they forwarded a sample ordinance along with some rules and regulations. Water rights are owned by the State, but they do not regulate residential wells and leave that up to the City and County. If the City passes a restriction on water usage, private wells in the City will have to follow the same rules. Ordinance 2022-03 was presented and reviewed. Marvin made a motion to pass Ordinance 2022-03, with two changes, regulating the drilling of water wells within City limits, Chad seconded, motion passed 3/0.

The first appraisal came in for the CCLIP grant and the invoice is included in expenditures. We are waiting on the second appraisal. The cost of the appraisals will be reimbursed by the state once the contracts are signed. There is one property not included in the appraisals due to financial limits. Debbie made a motion to let Tyler work on a contract for those easements up to the limit, Marvin seconded, motion passed 3/0.

Alan Luttrel, EBH, is reviewing the funds that will be leftover on the waterline project. He currently believes that we should get dehumidifiers for all 3 wells.

The current zoning regulation for trailer street parking was looked at again. There is language that is conflicting. The Council would like the information sent out again and then reviewed at the August Council meeting.

Mark Davis still has not replaced the swimming pool roof. The Council asked for Tyler to get a date from Mark Davis. The Council also agreed that as late as it is in the summer, we should just wait until the pool closes to have the roof replaced. The last full week of the pool being opened will be until August 14. School starts August 17. Alexis Hornback, pool manager, believes she has guards available to keep the pool open on weekends through Labor Day. The Council asked Tyler to confirm this and to verify that the manager or assistant manager will be on shift.

Attorney Morgan Koons hopes to have the RHID paperwork to us for the August meeting. We are still waiting on a contract for the land.

We received the second portion of ARPA funds. Part of the funds are going to the south well and a partial invoice was received from APAC. The Council will need to determine where the remaining funds go.

Brenda has been working since April to have Snell Nelson Insurance quote four additional items that need to be covered by insurance. The City is also due a refund of $2211.00. The Council agreed to see if another insurance would cover the items.

The Council agreed to let Tyler hire summer help for next summer and offer a raise as outlined.

The light pole at the corner of Main Street and Elm was taken out by wires that a semi hit. Pictures and a claim have been processed with insurance. We just received a quote from Building Solutions.

Carol Sibley read a letter received from our Attorney Morgan Koon and also reviewed a letter received from Adam Jones Law Firm concerning Cottonwood easements. We will wait and see what the outcome is.

Marvin made a motion to approve the bills as presented, Debbie seconded, motion passed 3/0.Marvin made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Debbie seconded, motion passed 3/0. Meeting adjourned 9:15 pm.

City Clerk


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