Author: City of Minneola/Tuesday, August 8, 2023/Categories: General News, Minutes
The Minneola City Council met in regular session on July 17, 2023, in the Civic Connection. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m., with the following Council members present: Marvin Jensen, Wesley Orr, and Debbie Buckley. Mayor Carol Sibley presided. Also present were Tyler Knox, City Manager, and Brenda Stewart, City Clerk.
Joel Krosschell, EBH, presented new drawings and cost estimates for the Cottonwood RHID. There would be 40 lots total. Items also reviewed were cul-de-sacs, street width, fire coverage, and drainage. The area east of Cottonwood will be the first area to be developed. After platted, the City can sell lots, but lots cannot be built on until infrastructure is complete. It was noted that the City has two options:
1. Have a developer take on the whole project;
2. The City takes on the infrastructure bond, sells the lots, and the lot payments pay for the land purchase bond. The infrastructure bond payments would be paid with other funds and RHID funds. Marvin made a motion to approve the plans as presented, Wesley seconded, motion passed 3/0.
Dianna Beebe & Deena Raser discussed work orders that have been submitted for the Civic Connection. Tyler agreed to sign off on the work order when completed and give it to Galen Rankin. They asked about the security light for the back door. The light is at City Hall but time has not permitted for the installation. Dianna and Deena agreed that if we can find an electrician to install it, the Senior Group would pay for the installation. They also asked if the City would look into putting a screen between the urinal and the sink. Tyler will look into it.
Pat Friess, Kennedy McKee, presented the proposed 2024 budget. The proposed budget is set at 52.004 mills, which is almost equal to last year’s at 52.002, but exceeds the RNR. He noted that Special Purpose funds have been set up for the two RHID’s. The funds that were left over from purchasing the land have been moved into these accounts. We will have to amend the 2023 Budget to have the authority to pay the bonds. He advised the Council to not combine the streetscape and waterline bonds with the new bond for the infrastructure because of their low interest rates. Wesley made a motion to approve the proposed budget and exceed the RNR, Marvin seconded, motion passed 3/0. The RNR Hearing and the Budget Hearing will be held on September 18, 2023.
Marvin made a motion to approve the minutes from June 20 and June 29, 2023, Debbie seconded, motion passed 3/0.
Computer printouts showing the financial status for the month of May were reviewed. There were no questions.
Joel Krosschell, EBH, redesigned the CCLIP project so we no longer need to purchase permanent easements on the north side. KDOT already has easements. We need to get information to Attorney Koon so he can write up the deeds. Tyler will get hold of Southern Pioneer to have the poles relocated.
The City will start street chipping this Wednesday, 7/19. The streets are the north-south streets on the west side of town.
KDOT came in and added asphalt to the bump on Main Street for the Streetscape Project. The State stated they would not do anything with the dip at Hwy 283 and Spruce. Michele Warren’s place has not been completed.
Wesley made a motion for Carol Sibley to purchase up to $600 of artificial plants for planters on Main Street, Debbie seconded, motion passed 3/0.
The fence ordinance was reviewed. Marvin made a motion to approve the ordinance but to add that a permit is required but there will be no fee for the permit, Wesley seconded, motion passed 3/0.
The pickle ball court in the Community Park should be done by the end of July.
Stegman Brother’s Electric will add the box needed for the Community Park camera system next week.
Tyler handed out a sheet that shows what pesticides are tested for in our water. Marvin asked Tyler to bring a list of organics that are tested to the next meeting.
The City received the EMC dividend check.
Southern Pioneer sent a notice in this month’s bill that the rates are proposed to go up 3.2%.
Minneola Recreation made a contribution to cover the City’s costs for the tables and benches for the Den Park that we are getting from the Waste Tire Grant. The City really appreciates the financial help.
The pool has kept us busy. The Assistant Manager resigned but we did get an additional lifeguard. Letters were sent out to the guards who received equipment but left before the pool opened. They have the option of returning the gear or paying for it. August 13th will be the last day the pool is open. Our pool manager leaves for school at the end of July. Tyler will follow-up on the pool in August. The pool manager will come back to finish closing the pool.
Tyler mentioned that there has been one person who has been angry when we have had to close the tree pit and recycle center. The Council agreed that the City will continue to close it if the road is too muddy, the pit is too muddy, or for some reason we don’t have someone available to be a monitor.
Debbie made a motion to approve the bills as presented, Marvin seconded, motion passed 3/0.
Marvin made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Wesley seconded, motion passed 3/0. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm.
City Clerk
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