Council Meeting Minutes 6/20/23

Author: City of Minneola/Thursday, July 6, 2023/Categories: General News, Minutes

MINNEOLA CITY COUNCIL MEETS                                    June 20, 2023

The Minneola City Council met in regular session June 20, 2023, in the Civic Connection. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., with the following Council members present: Marvin Jensen, Dustin Laudick, Chad Kirk, and Debbie Buckley. President of Council, Marvin Jensen presided. Also present were Tyler Knox, City Manager, and Brenda Stewart, City Clerk.

Elizabeth Selbe, Pool Manager, provided an update on how the summer is going. There have been no issues with children or parents this year. We have had issues with the filter and chemicals. Night swims and concessions are a big hit.

Councilman Wesley Orr arrived 7:10 pm.

Brian Marshall and Matt Cox met with the Council about two items. First, they provided a quote to add onto the Den shelter for a kiosk. Second, they went through some history of Cottonwood Street, the cul-de-sac, and the 80 x 140 lot south of Matt Cox’s house. The Council discussed the items presented, later in the meeting. The Council decided against adding onto the Den shelter. Wesley made a motion to pay Brian Marshall $7668 for work he did on the cul-de-sac, survey & appraisal, lawyer fees, and transfer 80 x 140 lot to Matt & Natalie Cox. Chad seconded, motion passed 5/0. The City will have Attorney Koon write up the deed and include any right of ways and easements the City needs. The Council stated we are not proceeding with any sidewalks, bridges, or fencing. The Cox’s will also have to have their property resurveyed and made into one lot if they are wanting to put a shed on the 80 x 140 lot.

Minutes from the May 15, 2023, meeting previously emailed out were reviewed. Debbie made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Wesley seconded, motion passed 5/0.

Computer printouts showing the financial status for the month of April were reviewed. RHID and Capital Outlay were reviewed. There were no further questions.

There has been no progress on the CCLIP project. The City has not received confirmation from Ben Roberts. Joel, EBH, is thinking of taking out the ADA ramps on the north lots since there are no open businesses. The Council asked about contract extensions. Our contract is for 1 million, any costs over the million, the City has to pay. The Council asked if Carol Sibley would get with Attorney Koon about the condemnation process.

Street chipping will either be the week of July 10 or July 17, it will depend on when Bucklin will be available to help.

The streetscape project “speed bump” on Main Street still needs to be fixed. Michele Warren’s place has also not been fixed. KDOT is waiting until they get a new batch of asphalt to fix the bump. Tyler is still working on getting an estimate for Warren’s property. The third block trees are leafing out. Tyler will call Kliewer about the three dead trees on Main Street block 1 & 2.

The fence ordinance was tabled until the July meeting.

RHID will be reviewed in a recessed meeting on June 29, at 7:00 pm, at the Civic Connection.

Tyler received a proposal from the Library about replacing the front and rear doors. The Library asked if the City would split the costs. Wesley made a motion to decline splitting the costs, Dustin seconded, motion passed 5/0.

Marvin asked if anything could be done with the depth of the water drainage dip on Spruce Street at Highway 283. The dip has continued to deepen because of the layers of asphalt/rock on either side. The Council asked Tyler to contact KDOT to see if they would mill off their side.

Marvin asked if our water is tested for pesticides or herbicides. Tyler said he would contact Allen Nichols with KDHE and see if there is a breakout of what is tested besides what is shown on the yearly water report.

Marvin inquired about beer and liquor sales and also information about Sunday sales. Brenda will obtain information and it will be revisited on Thursday, June 29.

A thank you received from the Rooney family was read.

Municipal court is held the first Monday of each month. Traffic citations and code violators are reviewed. We currently have 3 code violation cases. Attorney Love wants to know if the Council would want to proceed with the condemnation process on 103 Maple. Brenda will send additional information to Attorney Love about changes that have taken place since the June 5 court date on this property. The Council will review the information on June 29, 7:00 pm.

Debbie made a motion to go into executive session for 30 minutes to discuss personnel matters of non-elected personnel. Dustin seconded, motion passed 5/0. Council went into executive session at 8:45 pm. Council returned to regular session at 9:15 pm.

Council asked Tyler to get with the pool manager concerning the missing suits, hoodies, and tank tops. Debbie made a motion to increase hourly rates of the assistant pool manager, lead guard, lifeguards, and summer maintenance as outlined and for the increase to take effect June 19, Wesley seconded, motion passed 5/0.

The City had storm damage from this last week. Lots of tree damage, the south school zone light broke, pool awnings broke, and a light in the community park fell and broke. The City started picking up citizens tree limbs today. We started on Cypress and will work our way to the east. The City is only going through town one time. Tyler is getting a price for the school zone light and the community park light. Tyler presented a bid for fixing the pool awnings or for a permanent structure. The Council decided to get by this summer and then to price out both for next year.

The Council reviewed the information kiosk for the Den shelter. Brenda will contact the supplier about wall mounted options.

Tyler let the Council know that all Main Street lights are now working.

The security cameras for the Community Park are in but not the control box. Tyler will follow-up on it.

The City Hall/Civic Connection generator does not automatically kick on during a power outage. The power was out long enough to shut off the SCADA system.  Tyler will price out a transfer switch.

Chad made a motion to approve the bills as presented, Debbie seconded, motion passed 5/0.    

Debbie made a motion to recess the meeting until June 29, 7:00 pm, in the Civic Connection, Wesley seconded, motion passed 5/0. Meeting recessed at 9:56 pm.

City Clerk



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