Author: City of Minneola/Wednesday, May 25, 2022/Categories: General News, Minutes
The Minneola City Council met in regular session May 16, 2022, in the Civic Connection. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., with the following council members present: Marvin Jensen, Dustin Laudick, Chad Kirk, and Debbie Buckley. Mayor Carol Sibley presided.
Brandon Hornback, Minneola Fire Chief, met with the Council. He stated it has been a busy year with 38 runs so far. They are also having trouble with the price of fuel and the ability of getting supplies. He asked if the City would fund two sets of bunker gear for around $2400. Marvin made a motion to pay for two sets, Debbie seconded, motion passed 4/0.
Alan Luttrel, EBH, gave an update on the waterline project. The SCADA system is running except for Well #7. They are currently working on the GIS system. Alan presented APAC’s pay estimate #13, which includes retainage payment, for approval. Dustin made a motion to approve pay estimate #13, Marvin seconded, motion passed 4/0. Alan presented change order #5 to update the chlorine room at the south well and also reconcile actual quantities on the project. Marvin made a motion to approve the change order, Dustin seconded, motion passed 4/0. Alan presented 4 Certificates of Completion for approval. Marvin made a motion to approve the certificates, Dustin seconded, motion passed 4/0. The Council asked Alan to speak with Dave Barber, USDA Rural Development, about using the left-over funds on the south well.
Alan Luttrel and Tyler Knox talked about an issue we have with water rights. The south well is the City’s main well and has been shut down since last July. Since then, the City has only had the two west wells for water for the City. The water rights on these two wells are minimal and we went over our rights on those two wells last year. Although we had plenty of water rights left on the south well, they do not combine our allotments. We will be getting a letter and possible fines from Kansas Department of Agriculture.
Michelle Mahieu spoke on behalf of the Minneola Senior Center. She mentioned that they have been having some rough years and prior to COVID they lost their ability to cook because of Eldercare not renewing the contract. In the agreement, they had with Great Bend, Eldercare paid for the cook’s wages, worker’s comp., etc. Now being on their own, grant funds and patrons paying for their lunches, must cover the costs. She believes the quality of meals are better and now they have to work on cash flow. They currently have 1 – full time cook, 1-part time cook, and 1-part time manager. She stated that the building was built with a grant for senior citizen’s only and the City was not supposed to even use the building (like for our current council meeting taking place). She stated their goal is to become financially independent, but things like utilities, bus insurance, and things that cost a lot of money are things they cannot afford. Michelle mentioned several points of conflict. There were several comments made in response: there is a signed written contract from 2007 that the Nutrition Council would pay for bus maintenance, gas, and insurance which has taken place since 2007; the nurses office is the office that the Nutrition Council took over , the Nutrition Council has an available office in the kitchen; the thermostats were locked to control expense since the City pays the bill; and passcodes were installed because items kept being reported as missing. Michelle asked if we could have a work session in 30-60 days to iron things out. Carol Sibley stated that both should pick some available dates and we would get together. The Council asked Brenda Stewart to do research on the vehicle and building.
Howard Wideman, County Commissioner, wanted to acknowledge the excellent work Deputy Knox has been providing for the City. The County has not received the wind farm check this year, which is usually received in February/March, and plans to have the County Attorney look into it. Howard mentioned that he has citizens who would like to form a park committee, plant trees, and update the memorial at the Veteran’s park. The Council asked Howard to write down the names of those wanting to be on the committee and their ideas and bring it to the Council to review. The trees in the Community Park and drip system were discussed. There are numerous dead trees that need to be replaced and the drip system is maxed out. The Council asked Tyler to call Kliewer Landscape to see if they would inspect the trees and provide a quote to replace them and to also get an estimate to put in a 2” meter to the park and 2” lines throughout.
EMS concerns were discussed with Howard. Items talked about included: the letter sent to the County Commissioners, delay in dispatch, and basic vs. expanded service. Carol Sibley expressed that Minneola wants to do the best we can and help people to the best of our ability.
Minutes of the April 18, 2022, meeting previously mailed out were reviewed. Marvin made a motion to approve the minutes as written, Debbie seconded. Motion passed 4/0.
Computer printouts showing the financial status for the month of April were reviewed. There were no questions.
The pool roof will not be done before the pool opens. Mark Davis will give us a week’s notice prior to arriving and we will have to shut the pool down for 2 days. The pool will open on May 30. Lexi Hornback is our manager and she has seven guards hired.
The wind during the night of 5/10-5/11, blew down and broke the pole on one of the solar lights in the Community Park. A claim is being processed with Snell Nelson. There are items that are currently not covered under our insurance and a request for quote was sent to Snell Nelson on April 26.
Bollards for the Den park are currently having chain loops welded on. They will be going to Hays for powder coating this week.
Cottonwood status was reviewed. More information will be forthcoming. The Council agreed that all correspondence with Rooney should go through the Attorneys.
The June Council meeting date lands on a holiday. The Council agreed to move the date to Tuesday, June 21.
Reminder that the Community-wide garage sale is scheduled for June 4.
Yearly appointments were reviewed. Changes that were previously made included Councilmen, Ordinance Officers, City Attorneys, and President of Council. The Council appointed Debbie Buckley as street commissioner. Marvin made a motion to approve the appointments as listed, Dustin seconded, motion passed 4/0.
The City received a dividend check from EMC Insurance in the amount of $5142.07.
Dustin made a motion to approve Resolution 2022-R01 – GAAP, Waive Annual Requirement of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and Fixed Asset Accounting, Chad seconded, motion passed 4/0.
A delinquent tax spreadsheet was passed out to the Council. There were seven properties listed with $29,353.55 in delinquent taxes as of 5/4/22. Some of the properties have taxes due since 2016. Marvin recommended contacting Attorney Love to see if he can help. This was agreed upon by the Council.
The City has received a couple of inquiries from citizens concerning drilling private wells in the City. The City’s Ordinances do state that houses must be hooked up to the City system. Discussion took place about regulations, testing, compliance, water restrictions, infrastructure, and possible pollution. The Council asked that an ordinance be presented at the next Council meeting for review.
A spreadsheet was passed out showing the costs of items purchased for the police department. This list does not include personal items for the officer or miscellaneous small items. Marvin volunteered to look at the list and the Council will then review it at the next meeting. Brenda will try to get more information about the ammunition purchased and any information we have about the suppressor to Marvin
Attorney Morgan Koons would like to present information about the RHID process. The Council agreed to hold a special meeting on June 15, 2022, 6:00 pm, at the Civic Connection, for Attorney Koons presentation. The paperwork requesting the special meeting was signed.
The Council discussed the land that is available to purchase. The landowner would like to have the funds by the first week of June. Carol Sibley talked briefly about the RHID process and how that would work if we secured funds to purchase the land. Bond estimates from Ranson Financial were discussed. Dustin made a motion to proceed with the purchase of the land at a 20-year note, Marvin seconded, motion passed 4/0. For the bond to be processed quickly, the Council called for a special meeting to be held Friday, May 20, 2022, at 8:00 am at City Hall, to review bids and sign any necessary forms. The paperwork requesting the special meeting was signed.
Marvin made a motion to approve the bills as presented, Debbie seconded, motion passed 4/0.
Debbie made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Dustin seconded, motion passed 4/0. Meeting adjourned 10:53 pm.
City Clerk
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