Author: City of Minneola/Thursday, June 8, 2023/Categories: General News, Minutes
The Minneola City Council met in regular session May 15, 2023, in the Civic Connection. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m., with the following Council members present: Marvin Jensen, Dustin Laudick, and Debbie Buckley. Mayor Carol Sibley presided. Also present were Tyler Knox, City Manager, and Brenda Stewart, City Clerk.
Galen Rankin, president of the Senior Civic Connection board discussed some items with the Council: bus insurance, new work order form, security light at back door broken, automatic door openers not working, Class 2013 reunion and addendum for use of pool tables & TV, rentals not sweeping the floors, and possibly that someone is using the restrooms on the weekends.
Minutes from the April 17, 2023, meeting previously emailed out were reviewed. Marvin made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Dustin seconded, motion passed 3/0.
Computer printouts showing the financial status for the month of March were reviewed. There were no questions.
On the CCLIP grant, Tyler has not received acceptance of the offer made to Ben Roberts. Tyler will contact him again and let him know we need a letter or email showing acceptance.
The guys are getting the pool ready. The tile and grout on the side has been repaired and we need to finish painting. We hope to start filling the pool on 5/22. The chlorine room will not be rebuilt this year. We currently have 7 guards, and they will be certified this weekend in Dodge.
Reminder that election candidate forms are due at the County Clerk by noon on 6/1/23.
The City will plan on street chipping the end of June beginning of July. We only have 2 more loads of chat to be delivered.
We still have 3 light poles out on Main Street. Tyler thinks he can fix two of them and one is still a problem. The third block trees are leafing out. Tyler will call Kliewer about the three dead trees on Main Street block 1 & 2. Tyler will find out when the “speed bump” will be fixed and fix Warren’s property. Brenda received additional paperwork from KDOT that will be reviewed.
The surveyors have been in town for the Cottonwood RHID. We need to find out what to spray and/or plant, to help eliminate weeds, until construction begins. Carol will send an email to Attorney Koon about the RHID and Engineering costs. Marvin made a motion to hire EBH Engineering for engineering, Dustin seconded, motion passed 3/0. Dustin made a motion to sign EBH’s contract, Marvin seconded, motion passed 3/0.
Summer maintenance help (17 and older) may drive but must stay off highways and wear their seatbelt.
Ideatek is holding a streaming information session on June 6, 7:00 pm, in the Civic Connection. This is open to anyone who would like to get away from DirecTV or Dish. The Council also recommended that we cancel DirecTV at City Hall and go with streaming.
The Council reviewed the kiosk information from I & E Company for the Den park. They tabled the decision until we get a quote from Building Solutions for the additional canopy.
Yearly appointments were reviewed. Marvin made a motion to approve the appointments as listed, Debbie seconded, motion passed 3/0.
Debbie made a motion to approve Resolution 2023-R02 – GAAP, Waive Annual Requirement of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and Fixed Asset Accounting, Marvin seconded, motion passed 3/0.
A thank you note was passed around that the City received for the donation to After Prom.
Regulations on fences, that were previously reviewed in 2015, were handed out. The Council was asked to study the regulations and they will be reviewed in the June meeting.
The June Council meeting date lands on a holiday. The Council agreed to move the date to Tuesday, June 20.
Reminder that the Community-wide garage sale is scheduled for June 10.
The Council decided not to advertise in Faith & Family newspaper.
A letter from the Minneola Fire Department for the July 4th fireworks display was read. Marvin made a motion to donate $500, Dustin seconded, motion passed 3/0.
The artificial plants in the planters on Main Street took a beating this year. The Council agreed to spend up to $500 replacing ones as necessary.
Several tables for the Baker/City Hall park were looked at. The Council asked Brenda to get quotes and to include one handicap accessible table. Tyler will talk to Ruth Baker about the current concrete tables.
The City needs the serial numbers on the police guns so we can sell them. Tyler is working on that.
Marvin made a motion to approve the bills as presented, Debbie seconded, motion passed 3/0.
Marvin made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Debbie seconded, motion passed 3/0. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 pm.
City Clerk
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