Author: City of Minneola/Friday, April 29, 2022/Categories: General News, Minutes
The Minneola City Council met in regular session April 18, 2022, in the Civic Connection. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., with the following council members present: Marvin Jensen, Dustin Laudick, Wesley Orr, Chad Kirk and Debbie Buckley. Mayor Carol Sibley presided.
Alan Luttrel, EBH, gave an update on the waterline project. Wayne Cook has been working on the well houses and plans to have the buildings done next week. The South well piping and SCADA system should be done at the end of May. The South well chlorine intake vent is not working and Alan will provide a price for a motorized louver which can be done with a change order. He is trying to get the two West wells up and running on the SCADA system. Alan presented APAC’s pay estimate #12 for approval. Wesley made a motion to approve pay estimate #12, Dustin seconded, motion passed 5/0.
Stephanie Swonger covered the Library review for 2021. The yearly state report was previously emailed to the Council. They are done with renovations but they are hoping to put in some new LED lighting. Due to the furnace leaking, there are some carpet squares that need to be replaced. There were no questions.
Sheriff John Ketron met with the Council concerning law enforcement. He asked if the Council was planning to hire someone to replace Patrick Williams. Mayor Sibley said not at this time. John stated he currently has an opening and has three good applicants but all three would have to go through the academy. John mentioned that he has a budget for a total of 5 law enforcement officers and there is currently himself, Wally Long, Heath Heston, and Robert Knox. John said that he decided not to sign the annual law enforcement contract but he would still have officer’s write tickets for traffic infractions in Minneola.
Minutes of the March 21, 2022, meeting previously mailed out were reviewed. Dustin made a motion to approve the minutes as written, Debbie seconded. Motion passed 5/0.
Computer print-outs showing the financial status for the month of March were reviewed. There were no questions.
EMS status was reviewed. It was noted that an advertisement was posted on the Clark County Sheriff website that Clark County EMS needs people and that Millie Fudge plans to hold classes. The Minneola Council heard that during the Clark County Commissioner’s meeting there was the comment made that “Basic service should be good enough for our county, and that basic service has worked and that is the way it has always been done.” The question is, “Why is basic good enough when we have people with the ability to have an advanced service and people that are willing to do it?” Protocols continue to be reviewed and Clark County Medical Director, Dr. Shuman is reviewing and signing off on protocols as they are being changed. The Council said that we need to continue to support and show our appreciation to our hospital and EMT’s.
Spring Clean Up Day is scheduled for April 30.
The junior high and high school Den Meal, being provided by the City, is schedule for April 27.
The City did not receive funding for the Waste Tire Grant. Some tables that belonged to the City that were located around the park, school and concessions were moved to the Den shelter.
The high school Cats in Action day with the City is scheduled for May 5. The City has several things that students can help with. Jamie Blew from the high school has also been collecting forms from citizens that need some help.
The Community Park playground is in need of mulch and the Civic Club has graciously agreed to pay for a semi load. The mulch is to be delivered before May 5. The Cats in Action will help in spreading the mulch.
The east end of the swimming pool building has been taken down and a new fence installed in that area. Mark Davis has provided a quote for the roof at $14,216.00. There are some unknowns that he will not know until he takes the old roof off, so there may be additional costs. Wesley made a motion to proceed with the roof as long as it is finished before the pool opens, Dustin seconded, motion passed 5/0.
The Council reviewed the Jaeger building permit for 505 W. Spruce that was previously emailed to them. Marvin made a motion to approve the permit as long as curb cuts are reviewed with Tyler Knox, the lot set backs are maintained, and that lots 501, 503, and 505 are combined into one parcel. Debbie seconded, motion passed 5/0.
Tyler Knox let the Council know that street sealing will not be taking place this year. We were going to do 15 blocks (including Main St) this year, but Larry Randall backed out of providing rock. Tyler found a different supplier, but the cost of freight would be more than the cost of the material. Tyler plans to work up a signed contract with Larry for this next year. The Council mentioned that we could accept rock at anytime and stockpile it.
Insurance spreadsheets, previously emailed to the Council, were reviewed. Council asked Brenda to verify if the credit received for cancelling law enforcement was correct and also asked about a worker’s comp credit. On a side note, the Council asked for costs of the guns and ammunition purchased for law enforcement. The Council would also like to see what else we bought and what belongs to whom? The Council asked Tyler to see who could remove the decals off the police vehicle.
The City received notice from Southern Pioneer that they will implement Winter Storm 2021 recovery charges starting on the May 2022 bills. The additional charges will be billed out over the next 36 months.
The artificial plants in the pots on Main Street are needing to be replaced. The Cats in Action will be removing the old ones and Carol Sibley asked if she could purchase and plant new ones. Marvin made a motion to proceed with the purchase of artificial plants, Dustin seconded, motion passed 5/0.
The City received a quote from Kirby Built for 6 trash cans made with recycled tire/plastics. Two would be placed at the new Den Park shelter and 4 would replace the old wood ones on the first block of Main Street. Marvin made a motion to proceed with the order but asked that Tyler see if any of the businesses would help with donations, Wesley seconded, motion passed 5/0.
The Den project (inside the Den, old concrete demolition, new concrete, north siding, shelter, and sign) were paid for with Community Service Tax credits. There is some funding left but not enough to do trees, the parking area on the west side, sprinkler system and seeding. Debbie made a motion to proceed with the additional $9,992.10 funding needed to complete the project, Dustin seconded, motion passed 4/0 with Chad Kirk abstaining.
As soon as the Den park was leveled, a vehicle and semi drove through the lot and made big ruts. Tyler presented the costs to install bollards like we did in the Community Park. It would take 15 posts. We would have chain anchors welded onto the posts, have them powder coated, install them in concrete and put chain between them. The cost would be around $3600 plus chain. Wesley made a motion to proceed with the bollards, Debbie seconded, motion passed 5/0.
Marvin made a motion for the Council and Mayor to go into executive session for 25 minutes to discuss personnel matters, Debbie seconded, motion passed 5/0. Executive session started at 9:00 pm. Council came out of executive session at 9:25 pm.
Marvin made a motion to raise Tyler Knox’s salary as outlined and to be effective back on April 1 and to be evaluated in 90 days, Chad seconded, motion passed 5/0.
Marvin made a motion to take Patrick William’s off of code enforcement and to add Tyler Knox to code enforcement (this is in addition to Dorothy Bremer), Chad seconded, motion passed 5/0.
Chad made a motion to deactivate Patrick William’s credit card and raise Tyler Knox’s limit to $5,000, Marvin seconded, motion passed 5/0.
Debbie made a motion to remove Patrick Williams off the Centera Bank signature cards on all accounts and add Councilman Marvin Jensen to all accounts, Dustin seconded, motion passed 5/0.
BASE Grant awards were published the beginning of April. There were over 400 applications and only 35 awarded. The Council said we will have to look at RHD.
We are having a hard time getting reimbursed by the Senior Center for their bus insurance. It was the consensus of the Council that if they can’t pay the bill then cancel the insurance.
Tyler discussed the tornado sirens. Marvin asked that Tyler write up an agreement between the County and Minneola about the electricity, maintenance of the sirens, annual inspections, and activation.
Marvin made a motion to approve the bills as presented, Dustin seconded, motion passed 5/0.
Marvin made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Debbie seconded, motion passed 5/0. Meeting adjourned 10:00 pm.
City Clerk
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