Council Meeting Minutes 3/18/24

Author: City of Minneola/Monday, April 8, 2024/Categories: General News, Minutes

MINNEOLA CITY COUNCIL MEETS                                    March 18, 2024

The Minneola City Council met in regular session on March 18, 2024, in the Civic Connection. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m., with the following Council members present: Marvin Jensen, Chad Kirk, Dustin Laudick, and Wesley Orr. Mayor Carol Sibley presided. Also present were Tyler Knox, City Manager and Brenda Stewart, City Clerk.

Jon Baggs, Snell Nelson Insurance, went through a summary of items and current values vs. previous values on insurance. He confirmed that there is now a $5000 deductible for wind and hail damage. The following codes mean: RC-Replacement cost with no depreciation, ACV-Actual cost with depreciation, EQ-Earthquake. The Council asked that the well houses be re-evaluated due to the upgrades made with the waterline project, review the Main Street poles, and generators. We will need to re-evaluate the pool insurance when the new awning is installed.

Dan Love, City Attorney, met with the Council concerning habitual offenders. He has reviewed the City Codes and Kansas Statutes, and the City can condemn properties even if lived in. The Cypress property is still in court with possible fines being imposed. He will research condemning partial parts of properties.

Marvin made a motion to approve the minutes from February 20, 2024, Wesley seconded, motion passed 4/0.

Computer printouts showing the financial status for the month of January and February 2024 were reviewed. There were no questions.

Tyler updated the Council on several projects:

  • The Kansas Rural Water Conference is the last week of March from Tuesday through Thursday. Brenda will come back Wednesday night. Jerry will be testing on Thursday for his water certification.
  • The pool awning should be installed within the next two weeks.
  • We have hired a pool manager but are still in need of lifeguards.
  • We received clarification of Supplemental Agreement #1 for the CCLIP project. On the non-associated costs, the City will have the opportunity to accept or reject changes that are not part of the project. Wesley made a motion to approve the agreement, Chad seconded, motion passed 4/0.
  • On the RHID project, the plans have been submitted but the County has to approve the plans.
  • The ditch area at the Highway 54 curve coming into town from the east was discussed again. Tyler stated that he found out that that area belongs to the state, but we would have an easement along Front Street. To place concrete barriers along Front Street would cost around $2500. If we wanted to add caps, it would be an additional $1200. Tyler will research delivery, unloading, and having them set in place. Brenda will contact Attorney Love on liability.
  • The school “Cats In Action” day is scheduled for April 24. The City will work with the school and have items that need to be worked on.

The annual dog clinic will be held March 23 from 10:00 am-12:00 pm, at the old fire station building on Main Street. We are coordinating with Ashland Veterinary for this vaccination clinic. The City will step up enforcing dogs getting their shots and registering with the City. This is a yearly requirement.

Spring Clean Up Day will be April 27. It will be in the alleys or where regular trash pick-up is located. Notices will be included on the water bills and around town.

The annual garage sale will be on June 8. Sign-up sheets will be in the post office and notices around town when we get closer to the date.

The City received a check from Clark County to help with the removal of dilapidated structures. Tyler will check with the County on any stipulations.

Carol Sibley asked the Council for approval for two Housing Authority appointments. Marvin made a motion to appoint Mick Johnson and Dustin Laudick to 4-year terms, Chad seconded, motion passed 3/0 with Dustin abstaining.

Carol Sibley presented information about the trees on Main Street. There are 7 of them that have died. Wesley made a motion to have the dead trees removed and replaced, Chad seconded, motion passed 4/0.

Marvin made a motion to approve the bills as presented, Wesley seconded, motion passed 4/0. 

Dustin made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Chad seconded, motion passed 4/0. The meeting adjourned at 9:09 pm.

City Clerk



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