Council Meeting Minutes 11/21/22 & 11/30/22

Author: City of Minneola/Tuesday, December 6, 2022/Categories: General News, Minutes

MINNEOLA CITY COUNCIL MEETS                                    November 21, 2022

The Minneola City Council met in regular session November 21, 2022, in the Civic Connection. The following Council members were present: Chad Kirk and Debbie Buckley. The meeting could not be called to order because there was not a quorum.  Mayor Sibley asked those in attendance if they wanted to go ahead and present their information at 7:10 pm.

Pat Friess, Kennedy McKee, went through the 2021 audit. He also went through the information on the single audit that the City had to have due to the waterline project. There were no questions. Pat will submit the reports to the State.

Councilman Dustin Laudick arrived at 7:34. Mayor Sibley called the meeting to order.

Galen Rankin, Minneola Senior Group, presented information on a commercial vacuum for the Civic Connection and asked if the City would split the cost. Galen confirmed that the vacuum would be available for those that rent out the building and the City and Senior Group will split the cost of bags in the future. Chad made a motion to purchase the vacuum and order a case of the bags and split the costs, Debbie seconded, motion passed 3/0.

Galen also brought up several other items to discuss.

  • After the elections and the auction that was held last week, things were not cleaned up and put back in place. It was agreed that if not cleaned up after a rental, they are to call Tyler Knox and we will come assess the situation and clean up.
  • It was confirmed that our rental policy states that the pool tables and big screen tv are not to be used unless previously approved.
  • He asked if they could have a key to the thermostats. Tyler stated that he is looking into changing them to Wi-Fi thermostats.
  • They are looking at putting a lockable storage closet in the men’s restroom. They have applied for a grant with Southern Pioneer and haven’t heard back yet.

Rusty Swonger talked about the 3rd Fall Festival that was held November 5. He then asked about putting an 80’ x 100’ building on the south end of the Community Park and having public restrooms. He is having Building Solutions draw up some plans. The Council asked him to provide a total approximate cost including utilities.

Jason Walker created a video with highlights of Minneola. The Council viewed the video. The Council confirmed that the video could be edited. Chad made a motion to pay Jason $1,000 for the video as presented and another $500 when revisions are made, Debbie seconded, motion passed 3/0. The revisions asked for are: fire department/engines, EMS, long term care home, and possibly inside the library.

Surveyor, Mike Klein, presented a drawing to the Council about the owner of Super 54 wanting to split the lots. Mr. Rathod wants to split the office area from the motel area. Numerous items were discussed:

  • zoned commercial – the office could not be used as a home
  • there would have to be separate water meters, separate electric, gas, sewer, trash. Tyler mentioned that there is not a way to run a new sewer line without going through the motel property and we will not bore under the motel. The office area being a business, they would have to have their own dumpster and there is not a location for it or for the trash truck to pick it up.
  • parking for the office and a way to get to that parking
  • the current signage is grandfathered in, but if sold to a new business, the sign would have to be removed and a new sign would have to meet the new regulations.
  • will the state allow a curb cut

The Council asked for Tyler and Brenda to review regulations and send a letter to Mr. Rathod and Mike Klein. Mr. Rathod would also need to put a cost estimate together, so he understands the expenses. The Council agreed to review again on December 19.

Carol Sibley presented information from City Attorney Morgan Koon. An agreement has been reached for the east land acquisition. Closing is set for November 30. The City will not sign the RHID paperwork until we have closed on this land.

Dustin made a motion to approve the minutes from October 17, 2022, and November 1, 2022, Debbie seconded, motion passed 3/0.

Computer printouts showing the financial status for the month of September were reviewed. There were no questions.

Copies of the paperwork for the CCLIP project were sent to Attorney Koon. The City will proceed with the condemnation process.

The City will be providing and serving the Den meal on November 30 at 6:15 pm.

The Council/Employee Christmas party is set for December 17 at 6:30pm.

Tyler met with the County Commissioners on November 2 concerning an ambulance run he made. The minutes released by the County did not include all of the information. The Kansas Board of EMS’s regulations pertaining to the transportation of a patients do not prohibiting one tech to respond to a scene. Current Clark County EMS protocols do not prohibit this either.

Israel Lozano, applied for a permit for his mobile food truck, El Patron. Dustin made a motion to approve the permit, but Mr. Lozano would need to coordinate timing with the other food truck vendors, Chad seconded, motion passed 3/0.

The Council meeting dates for Jan/Feb/June of 2023 land on holidays. The Council agreed to move the meetings to the following day (Tuesday).

Tyler & Brenda met with ENEL’s Trish Evans and DJ Pfaff. It was agreed that the 2021 leftover donation be used by the fire department ‘s Christmas kids run and then to help others in the community. ENEL would like to see a kiosk in the Den park and will allocate funding for it. Any money left over can be used to compensate the City for costs already expended. Tyler will work on getting drawings and costs for the kiosk and will also contact Capital Power to see if they want to be included. Trish also plans to reallocate funds to the LIFT group for setting up the daycare center.

The Business Association is setting up a business open house event from December 1 to December 19. Each business will draw a winner for Minneola Bucks and the City will have a box for the grand prize.

The Civic Club would like to decorate the Veteran’s Park. There was some confusion over electrical. The City will provide and pay for the electrical and we even have extension cords that can be used. Tyler will get with Eileen about this and will also get with Stegman Brothers Electric about providing a quote for adding additional electrical outlets and lights in the future for the park.

Carol Sibley mentioned the concerns over the number of trailers being parked on the streets. Council reviewed our current Ordinance 2016-05 and the possible revision to it. The Council decided to leave the ordinance as is and have Tyler talk to people or present a letter to them about the City efforts to keep streets clean.

Kliewer Landscape planted 15 new trees in the Community Park to replace the dead ones. The City is to water them twice a week and starting in December once a week. The Council asked Tyler to find someone to remove or grind the stumps that are left.

Brenda presented information about health insurance, including what other cities are providing and the costs for different plans for Minneola. Dustin made a motion to go into executive session for 15 minutes to discuss personnel matters of non-elected personnel with just the Council and Mayor, Debbie seconded, motion passed 3/0. Executive session started at 9:40 pm. Council reconvened open session at 9:55 pm.

Dustin made a motion for the City to pay for BC/BS EPO Gold health insurance costs for City employees, spouses, and families. The City will use Lisa Hart, Insurance Councilor, for the Marketplace, Debbie seconded, motion passed 3/0.

Dustin made a motion to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss salaries of non-elected personnel with just the Council and Mayor, Debbie seconded, motion passed 3/0. Executive session started at 10:00 pm. Council reconvened open session at 10:10 pm.

Debbie made a motion to provide pay raises as outlined, Dustin seconded, motion passed 3/0.

Chad made a motion to give employees a Christmas bonus as outlined, Debbie seconded, motion passed 3/0.

The recycled tire grant is available again. The Council asked Brenda to apply for the grant for tables and benches for the Den park.

The Kennedy McKee engagement letter for the next three years was reviewed (2022/2023/2024). Chad made a motion to accept the contract, Dustin seconded, motion passed 3/0.

Debbie made a motion to approve the bills as presented, Chad seconded, motion passed 3/0.

Dustin made a motion to recess the meeting until November 30, at 7:15 pm, Debbie seconded, motion passed 3/0. Meeting recessed at 10:30 pm.

City Clerk


MINNEOLA CITY COUNCIL MEETS                                    November 30, 2022

The Minneola City Council continued the recessed meeting from November 21, 2022, on November 30, 2022, at 7:15 pm, in the Civic Connection. The following Council members were present: Chad Kirk, Debbie Buckley, and Marvin Jensen. Mayor Carol Sibley presided.

The closing on the land acquisition has been delayed, so we cannot complete the RHID paperwork. There were no further questions or comments.

Debbie made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Marvin seconded, motion passed 3/0. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.

City Clerk




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