Council Meeting Minutes 10/17/22

Author: City of Minneola/Monday, October 31, 2022/Categories: General News, Minutes

MINNEOLA CITY COUNCIL MEETS                                    October 17, 2022

The Minneola City Council met in regular session October 17, 2022, in the Civic Connection. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., with the following council members present: Marvin Jensen, Wesley Orr, Dustin Laudick, and Debbie Buckley. Mayor Carol Sibley presided.

Alan Luttrell, EBH, mentioned that the contractor for both projects (Waterline & South well) are complete. Alan presented CO #7, which adjusted all the final numbers, in the amount of $1627.88, for the waterline project. Marvin made a motion to approve CO #7, Wesley seconded, motion passed 4/0. APAC pay estimate #15 was presented. Wesley moved to approve the pay estimate, Debbie seconded, motion passed 4/0. Certificate of Substantial Completion for the Waterline project, dated 9/22/22, was signed. Pay estimate #3, for the south well project, was presented. Marvin made a motion to approve pay estimate #3, Debbie seconded, motion passed 4/0. Certificate of Substantial Completion for the South Well project, dated 9/22/22, was signed.

Michele Warren met with the Council about issues with the Streetscape project. The grass seed that the company sprayed on is not the same type of grass that was previously there and has not sprouted. The ground was never leveled, and the fill dirt was full of rocks and stickers, and now weeds. There is now an electrical box, which was not placed even with the ground, and cannot be mowed around. The driveway ramp they poured, is cracked, and sliding away from the original driveway. There are also holes appearing directly next to the sidewalk on the west side. Was the dirt not packed correctly under the sidewalk? Michele presented pictures from 10/10/22 showing the issues. The Council stated we have several issues with the work that was completed, and the engineer and state are coming the week of 10/24 to fix the issue on the street at Main and Ash. Paul Stoner, EBH, is to get with the state and find out who is taking responsibility and who will be fixing issues.

Jeremy McCully, County Appraiser, met with the Council about why the property valuations are being raised. He presented a report to show the median ratio rate. Every year, he looks at the houses that have sold, the price they sold for vs. the appraised value. The appraised value, divided by the sell price, is the property ratio. All of the property ratios are added together, divided by the total number of properties sold, gives the median ratio. The median ratio should be around 100 with a variance of 10%. Minneola’s current median rate is 70.31, or 30% undervalued. He also looks at the trend for the last 5 years, and Minneola’s sales ratio continues to increase. After the yearly review and 5-year review, it shows the valuations for Minneola need to go up at least 20%. He confirmed that with Minneola valuations going up, we would end up paying more in the county due to our location. Jeremy also noted that the County Commissioners appoint the appraiser and then the commissioners don’t have much say in the valuations, it is all based off of sales and current appraised values.

Debbie made a motion to go into executive session for 40 minutes to discuss acquisition of real estate with Linda Jensen and Jalin Johnson from MDH. Marvin seconded, motion passed 4/0. The Mayor, City Clerk, and Patrick Williams remained in attendance. Executive session started at 8:00 pm. Council came out of executive session at 8:40 pm.

Council took a break from 8:40 pm until 8:45 pm.

Marvin made a motion to go into executive session for 45 minutes with City Attorney Morgan Koon (on the phone) for Attorney-Client privileges and discussion of acquisition of real estate. Mayor, City Clerk, and Patrick Williams were asked to stay. Executive session started at 8:45 pm. Council came out of executive session at 9:30 pm. The Council reviewed a Resolution for the RHID properties which will be finalized on 11/1/22. If the Resolution is approved, it will then be published in the newspaper one time. Attorney Koon would then send it onto the Secretary of Commerce for approval. The Council agreed to recess today’s meeting until November 1, 2022, at 7:00 pm.

Dustin made a motion to approve the minutes from September 19, 2022, Marvin seconded, motion passed 4/0.

Computer printouts showing the financial status for the month of August were reviewed. There were no questions.

The CCLIP grant is at a standstill because we have 3 property owners that have not accepted the appraiser’s value. The Council agreed to start the condemnation process and use Morgan Koon as our attorney. Tyler Knox is to confirm that the state pays the attorney fees and also the overall costs of the project.

The damaged light pole at the Community Park has been replaced.

The damaged light pole on Main Street by the Civic Connection is on order and will be here in 10-12 weeks. The City’s insurance company will be going after the trucking company for the full price of replacement.

Rusty Swonger filled out the permit and CMB information to hold the Minneola Fall Festival on November 5. Marvin made a motion to approve the permit and CMB permit, Dustin seconded, motion passed 4/0.

Carol Tedford helped in City Hall while Brenda was out. The Council agreed to financially reimburse her for her time.

Special assessments are only turned in once a year in August. We have a situation that costs were incurred after August 2021 and submitted to the County Clerk in August 2022, but the house had changed owners during this period. The City cannot be reimbursed for those costs.

The City is looking into health insurance as a benefit for employees. Brenda handed out a sheet showing what towns around the area, with comparable sizes, are doing for insurance. We are also working with a person in Pratt that works for the Market Place. Hopefully, we will have more information by November 1.

Snell Nelson provided quotes for the big shelter and gazebo in the Community Park, the shelter at the Den Park, and lights on the 3rd block of Main Street. Wesley made a motion to include these items on our insurance, Marvin seconded, motion passed 4/0.

We have had two new insurance claims, the handrail at the Grocery Store was run into and the guardrail at the east Front St. access to Highway 54 was run into. We do not carry insurance on these items, but we have the driver’s insurance information on both, and police reports were completed. We have sent the Notice to Proceed to Building Solutions for both items while we deal with the claims. We have asked Snell Nelson to supply quotes for insurance for these items.

The City will be providing the meal at the Den on November 30.

Kliewer Landscape provided a quote to supply and plant 15 trees in the Community Park to replace the dead ones. Wesley made a motion to proceed with the trees, Debbie seconded, motion passed 4/0.

The Council brought up that the trash cans on Main St and that they need to be emptied more than once a week. They also asked if we passed the ordinance about semi’s parking on residential streets?

Marvin made a motion to go into executive session for 10 minutes for personnel matters of non-elected personnel, Wesley seconded, motion passed 4/0. The Mayor, City Clerk, and Patrick Williams were in attendance. Executive session started at 10:00 pm. Council came out of executive session at 10:10 pm.

Marvin made a motion to approve the bills as presented, Wesley seconded, motion passed 4/0.

Marvin made a motion to recess the meeting until November 1, at 7:00 pm, Dustin seconded, motion passed 4/0. Meeting recessed at 10:15 pm.

City Clerk




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