City Council Minutes 4/17/23

Author: City of Minneola/Thursday, May 4, 2023/Categories: General News, Minutes

MINNEOLA CITY COUNCIL MEETS                                    April 17, 2023

The Minneola City Council met in regular session April 17, 2023, in the Civic Connection. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m., with the following Council members present: Marvin Jensen, Chad Kirk, Dustin Laudick, Wesley Orr, and Debbie Buckley. President of Council Marvin Jensen presided. Also present were Tyler Knox, City Manager, and Brenda Stewart, City Clerk.

Tyler on behalf of the fire department, asked if the fire department could use the Community Park to set off 4th of July fireworks. Chad made a motion to allow the fireworks as long as we are not in a burn ban and the fire department carries insurance. Debbie seconded. Motion passed 5/0.

Minutes from March 20 and March 28, 2023, meetings previously emailed out were reviewed. Dustin made a motion to approve the minutes as presented, Chad seconded, motion passed 5/0.

Computer printouts showing the financial status for the month of February were reviewed. There were no questions.

On the CCLIP grant, Tyler presented an offer to Ben Roberts, and he stated he had some questions and would email them to Tyler. The questions have not been received. Reminder that the state will pay up to $1,000,000 for the project, then the City has to pay.

Tyler can’t find anyone to fix the swimming pool tiles and caulking. The City will do the work. There are 6 lifeguards hired. Elizabeth, pool manager, has a lady that will teach the certification class at our pool if the water is above 70 degrees. Tyler said we cannot guarantee that and instructed Elizabeth to contact the YMCA or hotels to set up a location.

Reminder that election candidate forms are due at the County Clerk by noon on 6/1/23. Up for re-election are Carol Sibley, Marvin Jensen, and Dustin Laudick.

Spring clean-up day is scheduled for this Saturday, April 22.

The City has received 12 out of the 18 loads of chat. The north/south streets on the west side of town will be chipped this summer.

There are still several streetlights out on Main Street and Stegman Brothers Electric will bring their bucket down to assist in the repair. Tyler has left messages for Kliewer Landscape about the trees on Main Street but has not received a call back. The trees on the 3rd block appear to be dead also. Tyler will follow-up with Steve from KDOT about widening the bump at Main & Ash to 20 feet across. Michele Warren agreed to the proposal Tyler presented. Tyler needs to write up the agreement and get signatures prior to starting the work. Paul Stoner with EBH did not respond to our request for copies of the paperwork on the Streetscape project. Brenda sent an open records request to KDOT, and copies have been received.

The City has not been paid by the Senior Civic Connection Group for the bill that was handed to them on 2/13/23. We have also not received a response concerning the contract that was handed to them after the March 20th Council meeting.

Brenda handed out a copy of the covenants for the Shumate Addition that the Council can review for possible ideas for the RHID land. The question was who was supposed to enforce them? The City did not own or sell the lots.

The shop garage door is supposed to come in next week. We are on Overhead Doors schedule for installation the first week of May.

The Council discussed vehicle insurance and if we should get rid of the 2003 pick-up. The Council asked for the cost of insurance for the 2003 pick-up. The only 4-wheel drive vehicles are the blue pick-up and utility truck. The Council asked Brenda to get clarification about the fire truck’s insurance. City decals also need to be installed on the blue pick-up.

The City received a grant from ENEL. Half is to go towards a kiosk and previous expenses at the Den Park and the other half is to be given to LIFT to help with the daycare. Tyler and Brenda presented information received to date about the kiosk. The contract with ENEL was reviewed and signed by Tyler.

The Council approved a 4-year re-appointment to the Housing Authority for Carol Sibley and Jalin Johnson.

Marvin read aloud a letter received by the Class of 2013 president concerning their 10-year class reunion. Wesley made a motion to waive the Civic Connection fees and approve the alcohol application, Dustin seconded, motion passed 5/0.

The Council reviewed information received from the Civic Club about proposed tables for Baker/City Hall Park. The Council decided they want to stick with the recycled tire tables to match the rest of the City properties. Tyler will get with Ruth Baker about the current concrete tables.

There was a sewer backup south of the Co-op in the ditch. The lid was broken, and mud and trash went into the manhole. Mayer Specialty came as an emergency call and cleaned it out. Tyler said we are going to pour concrete around the manhole to help prevent it from happening again.

We have been coordinating with the High School for “Cats in Action” day on April 27. Items to be worked on include mulch in the tree boxes, graffiti on the playground, painting the outside of the pool, painting the helipad, and possibly cleaning up a property.

Brenda handed out a list of rules concerning youth working summer jobs. The Council asked to confirm about the Gator and mowers.

The Council reviewed leftover police Items. Tyler will get with Sheriff Ketron to see if they have use for some of the items. Shanon Lee will do the transfer of the guns. Brenda will get information from Tyler on the ammunition. Tyler will find out if we can transfer the suppressor to another department or if it needs to be destroyed. Other items will be listed on e-bay.

Tim Milford with Ideatek plans to have a training session on June 6, at 7:00, at the Civic Connection. He will be walking attendees through the streaming process. It will be open to anyone and is free.

Cameras are going to be installed at the Community Park playground due to the graffiti. Part of the system came in today.

Two abandoned, inoperable cars on Maple Street were towed away today.

Debbie made a motion to approve the bills as presented, Wesley seconded, motion passed 5/0. 

Dustin made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Debbie seconded, motion passed 5/0. Meeting adjourned at 8:52 pm.

Brenda Stewart, City Clerk


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