Author: City of Minneola/Thursday, May 4, 2023/Categories: General News, Minutes
The Minneola City Council resumed their meeting on March 28, 2023, in the Civic Connection. The meeting was called back to order at 6:54 p.m., with the following Council members present: Marvin Jensen, Dustin Laudick, and Debbie Buckley. Mayor Carol Sibley presided.
Guests present: Patrick Williams, Morgan Koon, Jeff Sibley, Mike Kellner, Howard Wideman, George Rooney, and Becky Mischler.
Meal was provided by Elaine Riley.
This is the final step to approving and setting up the development plan for the RHID, it is due April 1.
Morgan talked about the basics of RHID and KSA 12-5241 et seq, the infrastructure to be built, housing shortages. Stating that the City, County, Hospital, and School will still get tax dollars.
First step: WSU did a housing analysis on our shortage.
Second step: Adopt a resolution, which was on January 23, 2023, to establish a district on property, which includes Shumate Addition, Cottonwood Street, Norton property owned by the City, Apple Street, Poplar Street, Rooney property owned by the City, and Rooney property.
Step three: Approve development plan. Engage a developer or the City can be the developer or City send bids for developers. Run a financial analysis with all four phases. Total preliminary engineering cost is $6,697,500.00.
Morgan stated bids have been coming in lower than the estimate.
Question is what is needed to pay the engineering costs?
Interest rate of 7.3% is possible.
The first year on 15 new homes is no tax revenue.
We do not have to do all the phases.
Example: 135 new houses built with taxes of $3,000.00/year built, by year 9 to repay the $6,697,800.00. 135 houses is 25% of the total number of houses to be built.
This information is in the booklet of the development plan.
To the developer or person building the homes. Specify how many months can go by until building starts (Ex. 18 months), otherwise the council has the right to purchase back the lot at the price it was purchased for. If refusal to sell back, it is a breach of contract.
Homes need to be single family dwellings, checking on duplexes.
Slab homes are an option for south of the pool.
Phase one is
Phase two is Rooney’s land purchased by the City January 2023.
Phase three is Norton’s land purchased by the City November 2022.
Phase four is Cottonwood.
Marvin made a motion to approve the development plan dated 03/28/23, as presented, subject to the revision in Exhibit 3 making the table match the written description. Dustin seconded. Motion passed 3/0.
Marvin made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Dustin seconded, motion passed 3/0. Meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm.
Debbie Buckley, Acting Secretary
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