Author: City of Minneola/Wednesday, April 19, 2023/Categories: General News, Minutes
The Minneola City Council met in regular session March 20, 2023, in the Civic Connection. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., with the following Council members present: Marvin Jensen, Chad Kirk, Dustin Laudick, Wesley Orr, and Debbie Buckley. Mayor Carol Sibley presided. Also present were Tyler Knox, City Manager, and Brenda Stewart, City Clerk.
Minutes from February 21 previously emailed out were reviewed. Chad made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected. The date for the garage sale needs to be changed to June 10. Dustin seconded, motion passed 5/0.
Computer printouts showing the financial status for the month of January were reviewed. With the new year, the budget amounts have been changed. The waterline project is complete and the Council agreed to transfer the interest funds to the main waterline account and then close out the waterline project account. There were no further questions.
On the CCLIP grant, Tyler is checking with Ben Roberts about the agreement. There has not been any contact yet with Attorney Morgan Koon.
The City has not received any information about the Den Park kiosk. Tyler will follow-up with Building Solutions. Brenda will follow-up with ENEL about the funding.
Our pool manager, Elizabeth Selbe, will paint the outside of the building for us and also paint the ceilings. Tyler will contact Austin Pools about a recommendation on who can fix the tiles. Elizabeth is having a hard time finding enough guards. We have also been having trouble finding certification classes. Elizabeth has someone that can come to Minneola and do the certification. The City of Fowler is interested in cost sharing the certification class.
Patrick Williams, Williams Consulting, and Mayor Sibley updated the Council on the RHID process. Attorney Koon has sent letters to the County and School with information about the RHID. The next step is for the Council to pass a resolution. This will be presented next Tuesday, 6:30 pm, in the Civic Connection. Discussion took place about land plotting, size of lots, request for proposals, developers, and type of house. The Council agreed to approximately 100’ x 140’ lots with 20’ alleys. It was agreed that the City wants a clause in all lot purchase contracts that a home needs to be started to be built within one year of lot purchase. The Council asked Brenda to email a copy of the existing Cottonwood Street agreement to them. Discussion was held on the option of refinancing the two land purchase bonds and delaying payment for four years. Right now, interest rates are high and if we refinance and delay payment, interest would continue to accrue. The south ground bond interest rate is 3.5% to 6.2% and ends 10/1/2042. The east bond interest rate is 3.65% to 4.8% and ends 10/1/2029. We will need to review when we prepare the budget each year and determine what is best for the City.
Reminder that election forms are due at the County Clerk’s office by 6/1/23, noon.
Spring clean-up day for residents will be on 4/22/23. Items will be picked up in the alleys or where trash carts are normally placed. Hazardous waste items will not be picked up (tires, batteries, paint, etc.) All refrigerators and freezers must be tagged certifying that the freon has been removed.
The annual Kansas Rural Water Conference is next week. Tyler, Brenda, Jerry, and Chad Kirk will be attending.
The City is providing the Den meal on Wednesday, 3/29, at 6:30 pm. Brenda will get the meal ordered and supplies purchased. Carol Sibley volunteered to pick up and deliver the items to the Den.
We have not received any chat for street chipping. The plant had a breakdown. Tyler will continue to follow-up.
The Council discussed the remaining ARPA funds. Brenda will contact Ranson Financial to see if there is paperwork to fill out to declare a loss of revenue from COVID. Part of the funds could be used for two waterline easements that were not previously covered. Per the estimate that Alan Lutrell, EBH, put together, we could use $9440.20 to help reimburse the costs.
Debbie made a motion to credit LIFT’s utility account at 401 Maple back to services since January 1, 2023, Marvin seconded, motion passed 5/0.
Tyler spoke with Michele Warren about her concerns on the streetscape project. She was agreeable to the proposal presented. Council agreed to a 1-year deal. Tyler will get a couple of bids and write up the agreement for her to sign. Brenda advised the Council on the email and phone conversation that took place with Paul Stoner, EBH, on the streetscape project concerning copies of the contracts and change orders. The Council asked that an open records request be sent to KDOT.
Health insurance was discussed and the funding by the government.
Brenda presented a written agreement for review between the City and the Civic Connection Senior Group. Chad made a motion to approve the agreement, Wesley seconded, motion passed 5/0. The contract will be given to the Senior Group for their review. The City’s insurance agent also advised that with the Senior Group mini-bus being parked in the City shed, that they need to include the City as additional insured and a copy of the insurance needs to be kept at City Hall. The City has not been reimbursed for the bill given to the Senior Group on 2/13/23.
Spreadsheets were handed out to the Council for insurance with Snell Nelson for 4/1/23 to 3/31/24. The rates have gone up. The Council asked Brenda to talk with Snell Nelson to see if other underwriters were contacted.
The yearly library report was passed around. The Council asked that it be emailed to them.
Dustin attended the County Commissioners meeting. He updated the Council on the discussion that was held on the tornado sirens, communication of tornado warnings, ARPA funds, and “800” radios.
Brenda received an email this afternoon that we received the Waste Tire Grant. We should receive paperwork in May. Dustin mentioned that the Recreation Board might be willing to pay for the part that the grant does not.
Carol Sibley noted that there are numerous citizens parking on their front lawns and would like the code officer to start writing them up.
Tyler mentioned that the water tower is scheduled to be cleaned on March 24. This is the first time using the SCADA system and he will be around to make sure there are no complications.
We have started street sweeping on the west side of town. The door notices are working well. We are filling potholes as we are sweeping.
Marvin made a motion to approve the bills as presented, Debbie seconded, motion passed 5/0.
Chad made a motion to recess the meeting until Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at 6:30 pm, in the Civic Connection, Wesley seconded, motion passed 5/0. Meeting recessed at 9:33 pm.
City Clerk
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