City Council Minutes 2/21/23

Author: City of Minneola/Wednesday, April 19, 2023/Categories: General News, Minutes

MINNEOLA CITY COUNCIL MEETS                                    February 21, 2023

The Minneola City Council met in regular session February 21, 2023, in the Civic Connection. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., with the following Council members present: Chad Kirk, Dustin Laudick, Wesley Orr, and Debbie Buckley.  Mayor Carol Sibley presided.

Jalin Johnson and Howard Wideman from LIFT met with the Council in regard to the proposed daycare. LIFT purchased the old RP Church. They have 2 options: either turn it into 2-“in-home” daycares or 1-commercial. They asked if the City would partner with them for 5 years on the water and sewer while they get the daycare up and running? Mayor Sibley said we would discuss the proposal later in the meeting and let them know. Jalin also brought up that the Recreation Commission is wanting to help purchase tables and benches for the Den Park. The City applied for a grant for tables and benches, and we should know in April if we received the grant.

Howard Wideman, County Commissioner, showed maps of the proposed solar farm. The land leases are signed and there is around 2,200 acres. The construction is to start in 2024 and take 12-18 months. They plan to hire 10-15 full time employees.

Chad made a motion to approve the minutes from January 17, 2023, and January 23, 2023, Dustin seconded, motion passed 4/0.

Computer printouts showing the financial status for the month of December were reviewed. Additional summary sheets were presented showing Journal Entries 61-66. A spreadsheet showing the transfer of funds through 2024, in order to make the bond payments, was presented. There were no further questions.

Justin Clowdis, Fire Department District #2, presented bills for 2022 Runs & Meetings and 2 sets of bunker gear. Wesley made a motion to reimburse the Fire Department for these bills, Dustin seconded, motion passed 4/0. 

Tyler met with Ben Roberts, new owner of the Snappy Stop, on the CCLIP project. The appraisal was presented and Tyler will follow up with him next week. Per Chris Griffin, KDOT, we do not need to start over with new appraisals with new owners.

Tyler will follow up with Building Solutions on drawings for the ENEL Kiosk for the Den Park. We will also follow-up with ENEL on the funding.

The spray foam for the City shop ceilings and walls is complete. Tyler and Jerry are currently installing plywood on the west end and tin in the southeast corner to protect the foam.

Tyler presented a quote from Overhead Doors to replace the west door and fix the east door on the shop. Chad made a motion to proceed with the quote, Dustin seconded, motion passed 4/0.

Sheriff Ketron talked with Tyler about purchasing a 2-post lift, to be installed in the Minneola City shop, so they can inspect vehicles. He would purchase the lift and we would help install. He would also like to install a locking cabinet to house tools and supplies. The Council approved this as long as the City can also use the lift. Tyler also asked about adding rapid air in the shop. The Council asked for Tyler to provide pricing.

Tyler plans to get with Stegman Electric next week about adding plug ins and lights off the shelter house in the Veteran’s park. Stegman Electric will also look at the three lights on Main Street that we keep having trouble with.

Tyler will get with Michele Stevens on her driveway and grass issues from the Streetscape project. The driveway hasn’t settled anymore and the solution is to grind the edge down and fill the crack with MP3. We would also work up the dirt and re-plant grass seed of her choosing. The Council asked why this isn’t under warranty? They asked that an open records request be sent to get a copy of the contracts.

We are getting ready for another pool season. Color samples were presented to repaint the building and a color was picked. We will ask the pool manager and guards if they would like to paint the building for extra money. Don Paddock verbally quoted around $3,000 to come and fix some tile and caulking. He is waiting to see if there is any other work in the area so he could reduce the cost. The Council agreed to have Don do the repairs if under $3,000. Tyler mentioned that we are going to hold off on rebuilding the chlorine room. A Minneola Pool sign for the outside was also discussed.

Brenda has been in contact with EMC Insurance about our Worker’s Comp rate. The City received an itemized statement of the costs involved with a 2021 injury and this was reviewed by the Council. Tyler mentioned that we had a worker fall last Thursday and was taken to the ER. The Council asked that Tyler be present at all appointments.

Tyler brought up the EMS/Fire “800” radios. His understanding is that they are being purchased for Ashland/Englewood fire and Ashland/Englewood/Minneola EMS, but not Minneola Fire since Minneola raised their own funds to purchase radios. It should take 2-3 months to get the radios.

The Secretary of Commerce approved the City’s RHID proposal. There will be a zoom call on Thursday with Attorney Koon to understand our next step. The Council asked Tyler to find out if the southeast lot on Cottonwood, included in the RHID, is surveyed separately. The City has a potential buyer.

Carol Sibley, Marvin Jensen, and Dustin Laudick will be up for election this year. Brenda handed out applications. The applications are due in Ashland at the County Clerk, by June 1, 12:00 pm.

The City received a letter from Minneola After Prom. The Council agreed to donate 10-$10.00 Minneola Buck certificates.

 Spring Clean Up Day will be April 22. It will be in the alleys or where regular trash pick-up is located.

We received a letter from Northend Disposal that rates will increase on the March billing which is per contract. Our contract with Northend expires February 28, 2025.

The annual dog clinic will be this Saturday, February 25, from 9-11. Reminder that all dogs are to be registered with the City and have a yearly City dog tag.

The City will be providing the Den meal for the youth on March 29. Tyler, Jerry, Brenda, and Chad will all be in Wichita at a conference and will not be available to help. Brenda will have the supplies ready and the meal ordered for pick-up at 6:00 pm.

Millie Fudge sent an email about a Regional Recovery Training being held on March 21 in Scott City. Tyler has registered to attend for Minneola.

Jerry Curry Jr., city maintenance, has been studying and taking classes to obtain his certificates. He will be taking the water test at the conference in March and the wastewater test in August. Tyler will also sign him up for the CDL class that is being held in May.

The Council discussed having a City representative at the County Commissioner meetings. Councilman Dustin Laudick volunteered to go to the meetings, Councilman Debbie Buckley volunteered to be the back-up. City Manager Tyler Knox and City Clerk Brenda Stewart will also be back-ups. Meetings are the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month starting at 9:00 am.

The annual garage sale will be on June 8.

Tyler mentioned that we will be looking into the empty lot on Chestnut Street where the house was moved and now is an open hole.

The Council discussed working with LIFT on their water/sewer bill. They agreed to write-off the water/sewer bill for a period of one year and then LIFT will need to present updated information to the Council and be reviewed on a yearly basis.

The City plans to chip seal the north-south streets on the west side of town this summer. It will be a total of 16 blocks and cost around $42,000.  Debbie made a motion to proceed with purchasing rock and having it delivered, Wesley seconded, motion passed 4/0.

Tyler is working on a protocol and map for water valve exercising. He is planning on doing ¼ of the town each year. He and Jerry still need to be trained on the new system.

Carol Sibley stated that the Civic Club is interested in helping furnish City Hall Park with new tables. The Council asked that they contact Ruth Baker about the current concrete tables that were donated.

Reminder that we have just over $36,000 of ARPA funds that need to be spent by the end of 2024. The Council discussed some ideas and asked Brenda to contact Ranson Financial to see if funds could be used for the ideas. The Council also asked about the County ARPA funds and what they are being used for.

Dustin made a motion to approve the bills as presented, Wesley seconded, motion passed 4/0.  

Debbie made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Chad seconded, motion passed 4/0. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.

City Clerk


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