Our City Council meets the third Monday of every month at City Hall starting at 7pm. The general public is welcome to attend.
Councilmen are elected for a four year term. The Mayor is elected to a two year term.
Author: City of Minneola/Thursday, January 11, 2024/Categories: General News, Minutes
The Minneola City Council met in regular session on December 18, 2023, in the Civic Connection. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., with the following Council members present: Marvin Jensen, Chad Kirk, Wesley Orr, and Debbie Buckley. Mayor Carol Sibley presided. Also present were Tyler Knox, City Manager and Brenda Stewart, City Clerk.
Mayor Sibley called the Budget Hearing to order for the Amended 2023 Budget. There were no questions. Marvin made a motion to approve the amended budget, Debbie seconded, motion passed 4/0. The Budget hearing was closed.
Deana Raser and Diana Beebe met with the Council concerning Civic Connection issues. The roof leaks in the southeast corner, the crack in the middle of the room under the carpet is increasing, and the front entry light is out. They are not seeing signed work orders after they have been completed. The Council said we had the roof redone and without replacing the carpet we cannot fix the crack. We will fix the entry light and work on getting the work orders signed and returned.
Isabelle Umana asked for an update on the 103 Maple property. She is concerned that they have been dismantling items and placing items in the street and the trash. The City has condemned the property, and we are waiting on the company to do the demolition. Ms. Umana is also having trouble with a dog that is running loose. The City can set a trap in her yard if she wants.
Wesley made a motion to approve the minutes from November 20, 2023, Marvin seconded, motion passed 4/0.
Computer printouts showing the financial status for the month of October were reviewed. There were no questions.
Tyler updated the Council on several projects:
Health insurance went up but not as drastic as the initial letters we received were indicating.
Cottonwood Street was reviewed. Tyler said we will fill in the holes and will price out chipping it. We could chip it each year until a base is built up. The Council asked Tyler to get measurements and pricing for a few options.
Oath of Office was completed by Carol Sibley and Marvin Jensen. Brenda will get with Dustin to have his completed.
Both January and February 2024 Council meeting dates land on holidays. The Council agreed to move those meetings to the following Tuesday.
We had two applications for CMB Licenses. Marvin made a motion to approve the Snappy Stop and Paraiso CMB licenses, Wesley seconded, motion passed 4/0.
The City received a Wind Farm payment. This will be transferred to help make bond payments.
We received a letter from the Community Day committee asking for financial assistance. Chad made a motion to donate $500.00, Debbie seconded, motion passed 4/0.
We received a letter from the Minneola Trap Team asking for financial assistance. Marvin made a motion to donate $250.00, Chad seconded, motion passed 4/0.
The Council reviewed the Den Park kiosk again. It will be free standing. Marvin made a motion to approve the kiosk as long it does not exceed the $20,000 that ENEL donated for it, Chad seconded, motion passed 4/0.
Clark County commissioners voted and passed a 10 Year Revitalization Plan and asked for the City’s approval. Marvin made a motion to approve the plan, Debbie seconded, motion passed 4/0.
EBH has asked for subdivision names for the RHID areas they are working on. The Council chose the Sunrise Addition for the land around Cottonwood Street and Appleton Addition for the land around the swimming pool.
Tyler ordered a keypad lock for City Hall. It will use the same computer system as the locks on the Civic Connection. The cost was $1373 and there is a keylock override. The Council was fine with this decision.
Debbie made a motion to approve the bills as presented, Wesley seconded, motion passed 4/0.
Wesley made a motion to go into executive session for 45 minutes to discuss personnel matters, Marvin seconded, motion passed 4/0. Executive session started at 8:50 pm with the Mayor and Council present. The Council came out of executive session at 9:35.
Marvin made a motion for pay raises as outlined and to give each employee a $200 Christmas bonus, Wesley seconded, motion passed 4/0.
Debbie made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Chad seconded, motion passed 4/0. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm.
City Clerk
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